We-Collab : Reimagining Childcare Policy That Cares For Caregivers
Caregivers are the backbone of our society. But for too many parents and caregivers in America, the help they need to balance the competing demands of childcare and work is out of reach.
ECOSYS is committed to remedying that problem. ECOSYS works with and for parents and caregivers in order to develop policy reforms that make childcare support more accessible to folks across the economic and social spectrum.
Last year, ECOSYS invited We-Collab, a Houston-based equity-consulting firm, to lead a Family Advisory Committee (FAC) of parents and caregivers through a series of collaborative workshops. Over the course of five months, they would uncover the economic and structural barriers to adequate childcare support, discuss the real-world needs of families, and identify policies that would increase childcare equity at the local, state, and regional levels.
Visualizing More Equitable Childcare Reforms
In August of 2023, We-Collab brought the Family Advisory Committee together for the final collaborative workshop. Their goal? To gather real-world insights that would form the basis of new childcare policies, and to uncover the tools caregivers need to move from surviving to thriving.
As the FAC gathered together in New York City, A. Mayper Studios joined via Zoom to scribe the session remotely. The afternoon kicked off with a recap of the work the FAC had accomplished so far, and some contextual data to fuel a productive working session.
Then came the main event. The FAC broke into two groups to address two key barriers to quality childcare: cost & affordability, and special needs not typically covered by government-sponsored childcare programs.
As each breakout group discussed their perspective on their challenge, and offered potential solutions, an A. Mayper Studios scribe joined virtually to turn insights into imagery in real time. The visual notes kept participants engaged, sparked meaningful dialogue, and captured both the factual and emotional truths of their lived experiences.
From Ideation To Mobilization
The visual notes developed during the breakout sessions acted as a tool to for each team to report their findings back to the larger group. Equally important, they became a repository of ideas for the We-Collab team to mine for more equitable policy reforms as they moved from ideation to mobilization.
Because sometimes, in order to build a more equitable future, you need to visualize it first.
Support for this project was provided in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The views expressed here do not necessarly reflect the views of the Foundation.
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